关于「 than expressed」的内容列表

Federal Reserve officials are cautious about the prospect of a rate cut. Goolsby said tariffs could affect inflation and supply chains, and Barkin pointed to the complex impact of tariffs on inflation and demand. Click to view...

Federal Reserve officials are cautious about the prospect of a rate cut. Goolsby said tariffs could affect inflation and supply chains, and Barkin pointed to the complex impact of tariffs on inflation and demand. Click to view...

2025-02-06 03:17:30
Federal Reserve Goolsby: Unemployment is trending upward in direction, but the level remains low

The Federal Reserve's Goolsbee said the unemployment rate is trending upward in direction, but the level remains low.

2024-09-23 14:40:15
Federal Reserve Goolsby: The Federal Reserve needs to focus on the jobs mandate now

The Federal Reserve Goolsbee said that the Federal Reserve needs to focus on the employment task now; the Federal Reserve's forecast clearly shows the path of interest rate cuts; the speed and magnitude of interest rate cuts will be determined by data; the magnitude of the Federal Reserve's interest rate cuts is not the most important, the future path is the key; based on the current economic outlook, the Federal Reserve does not believe that interest rates will approach zero.

2024-08-23 18:28:31
Federal Reserve Goolsby: All the interest rate cuts it hoped to achieve have been met

The Federal Reserve's Goolsbee expressed support for the Federal Reserve to start paying attention to the job market; inflation is on a path back to 2%; policy is currently at its tightest point in the entire rate hike cycle; Fed forecasts show broad support for rate cuts; and all the conditions for rate cuts hoped for have been met.

2024-08-23 16:42:54

7x24 快讯

13:03 2025-03-21
金色晚报 | 3月21日晚间重要动态一览
12:00-21:00关键词:稳定币、央行、Binance Alpha、Strategy 1.Strategy将STRF优先股发行规模上调至7.225亿美元; 2.央行:择机降准降息; 3.Binance Alpha 新增 AFT、BNB Card、PLUME 和 Mubarakah; 4.BSC生态meme币BUBB市值触及3500万美元创历史新高,24小时涨幅516%; 5.瑞士国家银行:不会购买比特币等加密货币; 6.破产管理人:韩国加密借贷平台Delio已累计欠下约2.587亿美元的债务; 7.稳定币总...
13:03 2025-03-21
据官方公告,Binance 现已完成 USDC 于 Aptos 网络的集成,并开放充值业务。
12:51 2025-03-21
12:47 2025-03-21
12:44 2025-03-21
12:29 2025-03-21
3月21日消息,机密计算网络 Arcium 公布代币经济学:总量 10 亿枚,其中社区占比 20%(CoinList 目标 2%)、天使投资人(含 Echo 轮)占 5.8%、验证者占 5%、核心贡献者占 20.8%、VC 占 20.4%、生态及金库占 28%。
12:26 2025-03-21
USDC Treasury再次在以太坊链上销毁5000万枚USDC
据Whale Alert监测,北京时间20:20,以太坊链上的5000万枚USDC(约5001万美元)在USDC Treasury被销毁。
12:08 2025-03-21
据官方消息,Strategy(纳斯达克代码:MSTR/STRK)宣布其已完成 10.00% A 系列永续优先股(股票代码:$STRF)的定价工作。该公司将发行 850 万股,每股公开发行价格为 85.00 美元,发行规模从原计划的 5 亿美元扩大至 7.225 亿美元。 据悉,此次发行预计将于 2025 年 3 月 25 日完成交割,公司估计净募资额约为 7.112 亿美元(扣除承销折扣、佣金及公司预计的发行费用后...
11:56 2025-03-21
分析师:比特币“热供应”指标已下降超过 50%
随着近期迷因币诈骗浪潮和宏观经济不确定性,加密市场的投机热情正在消退,投资者转向更安全的数字资产投资。 据 Glassnode 数据显示,比特币"热供应"指标(衡量持有时间为一周或更短的比特币)已下降超过 50%,从 11 月底的 5.9% 降至 3 月 20 日的仅 2.3%。Bitget Research 首席分析师 Ryan Lee 表示,该指标的下降表明投资者在近期市场波动中转向更安全的投资定位
11:38 2025-03-21
11:36 2025-03-21
11:33 2025-03-21